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All prices below are in US dollars and do not include shipping charges. Please allow up to 14 days for delivery.
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If you are not sure which Television format your country uses please look at the chart below
Country | Format | Country | Format | Country | Format |
Albania | SECAM | Algeria | PAL | Andorra | PAL |
Argentina | PAL | Australia | PAL | Austria | PAL |
Bahamas | NTSC | Barbados | NTSC | Belgium | PAL |
Bermuda | NTSC | Brazil | PAL | Bulgaria | SECAM |
Canada | NTSC | Canary Islands | PAL | Chile | NTSC |
China | PAL | Colombia | SECAM | Congo | SECAM |
Costa Rica | NTSC | Czechoslovakia | SECAM | Denmark | PAL |
Egypt | SECAM | El Salvador | NTSC | Finland | PAL |
Former Yugoslavia | PAL | Former USSR | SECAM/PAL | France | SECAM |
Germany | PAL | Greece | PAL | Greenland | NTSC |
Guatemala | NTSC | Hong Kong | PAL | Iceland | PAL |
India | PAL | Indonesia | PAL | Iran | SECAM |
Ireland | PAL | Israel | PAL | Italy | PAL |
Japan | NTSC | Kenya | PAL | Korea,South | NTSC |
Luxembourg | PAL/SECAM | Malaysia | PAL | Malta | PAL |
Mexico | NTSC | Morocco | SECAM | Netherlands | PAL |
New Zealand | PAL | Norway | PAL | Peru | NTSC |
Poland | SECAM | Portugal | PAL | Puerto Rico | NTSC |
Romania | SECAM | Singapore | PAL | South Africa | PAL |
Spain | PAL | Sweden | PAL | Switzerland | PAL |
Turkey | PAL | USA | NTSC | United Kingdom | PAL |
Venezuala | NTSC | Zaire | SECAM | Zimbabwe | PAL |