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Affiliate news

Affiliate updates

Dear Webmaster,

Important news regarding our CCBill affiliate program.

The following sites are no longer available to promote through CCBill


The above sites are now part of our Inet-cash.de affiliate program and you can signup to the new program at toplessbabez.com/webmastersinetcash.htm and continue to earn 50% sales commission.

We are also offering the above same sites to promote through Paymonde.com (previously myvirtualcard) so you get to choose your prefered affiliate program to sign up to. Paymonde.com advantage is that they pay direct to a pre-paid debit card that can be used in any ATM worldwide through funds2go.com so no waiting for checks

You can view our paymonde affiliate programs over at toplessbabez.com/webmasters.htm

We thankyou for you traffic and hope to continue working with you.

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